Panaroma 2006: Owen Serrette of Solo Pan Knights Speaks

Owen Serrette, Leader of Solo Pan Knights being interviewed |
Staff Article
Interview Recorded: February 05, 2006
Posted: February 07, 2006
TRINBAGOPAN: We are in the Solo Pan Knights Pan Yard now, and it's the last judging point for tonight. Solo Pan Knights will be playing their tune of choice for Panorama 2006 'Max It Up' by Destra, arranged by Robert Greenidge. Mr. Owen Serrette, who is the manager of Solo Pan Knights is here with me now.
TRINBAGOPAN: Mr. Serrette, what do you think about your chances this year?
OWEN: Our chances are as good as any and better than many. We expect to be up in the top bracket this year.
TRINBAGOPAN: What are your future plans besides Panorama for this year?
OWEN: Normally we are active right through the year. We were very active in 2005, we made a trip to Nigeria and did some other activities. We did some performances on the road and we were well received. As a matter of fact, we came back without our band.
TRINBAGOPAN: Is there anything you would like to say to the public out there?
OWEN: We have talked about pan as a national instrument, and we have to keep it as the national instrument. We have to stay with the pan. In this day and age, we still have a problem with the big difference between the first prize in the Soca Monarch and the first prize in Panorama. There is definitely a problem. Something is wrong somewhere, and I think that needs to be addressed immediately. It is not from a want of time because Pan Trinbago has been putting forward time and time again for an adequate first prize for the Panorama. Hopefully, we will see an increase in the prize money for Panorama so that the champion steelband and the other steelbands in the Finals will get what they deserve.
Pictures of Solo Pan Knights in their Panyard:
Panyard Interviews | Trinbago Pan Homepage