Panaroma 2006: Elizabeth Namsoo of Invaders Speaks

BWIA Invaders |
Staff Article
Interview Recorded: February 08, 2006
TRINBAGOPAN: Today is the final day of the Steelband Pan Yard Judging for the Panorama Prelims. Six steelbands in the Large Bands Category will be judged at their Pan Yards. The steelbands are BWIA Invaders, Phase II Pan Groove, PCF Starlift, BP Renegades, Neal and Massy Trinidad All Stars and WITCO Desperados, in that order. We are now at the Oval on Elizabeth Street in St. Clair where BWIA Invaders will be performing. I have here with me Elizabeth Namsoo, the Public Relations Officer for Invaders.
TRINBAGOPAN: What are your plans for Panorama 2006?
ELIZABETH: Besides winning (laughter)? We are going to give the best performance we have ever given, to enjoy the experience and to put forward a show that nobody will forget.
TRINBAGOPAN: What tune is Invaders playing this year?
ELIZABETH: We will be playing "This One's for You Bradley" by Ronnie McIntosh. Our arranger is Arddin Herbert.
TRINBAGOPAN: What are your plans for after Panorama 2006?
ELIZABETH: Well, Invaders is a very active band all year round and we have a strong stage side. We have a couple of tours coming up and we are also trying to enter 'The 21st Century Competition' and 'The Festival Competition'. There will be a lot of things going on during the year with the band, like the 'Sunday Limes' and our event in November. We will be extremely busy.
TRINBAGOPAN: Is there anything you would like to say to the people out there?
ELIZABETH: Yes, I would like to say a special thanks to the supporters of Invaders. We are thankful for their encouragement. They have been with us for so long, without them we wouldn't be here today. I would also like to mention in particular, our sponsor BWIA and we also have certain corporate friends as well like Capital Signal, IAL and Petrotrin. Without the assistance of these people, the struggle is just too hard.
TRINBAGOPAN: I see Invaders have moved across to the Oval. Do you all have plans to relocate the Pan Yard to a bigger or better area?
ELIZABETH: That is an on going question. Invaders is one of the oldest steelbands in Trinidad, about sixty-six years old. We do not own our property. Our pan event in November is to raise funds to purchase the property. The Oval has always been a part of Invaders history and they have always allowed us to use their facilities at these times. We are working at getting a home of our own.
TRINBAGOPAN: Thank you very much.
Pictures of Invaders in their Panyard:
Panyard Interviews | Trinbago Pan Homepage