Panaroma 2006: Roustan Job of Birdsong Speaks

Interviewing Roustan Job, the Public Relations Officer for Birdsong |
Staff Article
Interview Recorded: February 05, 2006
Posted: February 07, 2006
TRINBAGOPAN: Today the Steelband Pan Yard judging for the Panorama Prelims starts at Birdsong Pan Yard in Tunapuna. 'Birdsong' is in the large bands catergory steelbands performing today before the judges. The four steelbands being judged today will be Birdsong, Sagicor Exodus, Pamberi and Solo Pan Knights in that order. I have here with me Mr. Rouston Job, who is the Public Relations Officer for Birdsong.
TRINBAGOPAN: Mr. Job, what are you working on for Panorama 2006?
ROUSTON: Well as you know, this is the Pan Yard Judging and it is the Preliminaries. We have been working since January 03, 2006 on the music. Our arranger is Rudy 'Two Left' Smith. Rudy is a Trinidadian but he's been residing in Denmark for a very long time now. Rudy has been our arranger for the last nine years. The tune we will be playing is called 'Hard Wine' by Tunapuna Scanty. The tune is composed by Jason Isaac and Ingrid De Peiza. So far the work has been going down very well. We like what we are hearing and the arranger is doing some very good work. We are very confident that we will move forward to the Semi-Finals on February 12th.
TRINBAGOPAN: Besides looking at the Panorama Competition, what does 'Birdsong' have lined up for the future?
ROUSTON: A lot. Right now 'Birdsong' is very proud to showcase its pan academic. Back in 2004 we held a vacation camp with about a hundred students from, of course, Tunapuna and environs. Out of that, our intentions were not to only to teach them how to play pan, but to teach them music theory. So far we have been succeeding. In November 2004, we had thirty-two students writing Grade One Music Exam at the Royal School of Music and all of them passed. Fifteen of them passed with Distinctions and that is one thing we are proud of. In 2005 we were preparing students for the same music theory. The difference with the 2005 camp is that we had the children use conventional instruments like the guitar, keyboards, trumpets and so on. We are very proud of what we are doing. There are some organizations who like what we are doing and they want to come on board. For instance, the U.N.D.P. would be assisting us with some funding. Petrotrin would also be assisting us. As a matter of fact, in 2005, Petrotrin purchased the conventional instruments that the children use. We have been asked to share the program with another steelband from south, Petrotin Siparia Deltones. We are looking forward to doing this for the August vacation, with the new set of students coming in. Of course, we will be preparing them for music theory. At the end of the day, we have pan players who will be reading music and are able to play the pan at the same time. Besides that, we also introduced them to rotation of music on the computers. To this end, we are looking to acquire some 40 ft. containers where we will be able to have class rooms and equip them with computers. We are working towards that and we are sure before the end of the year we will have that also.
TRINBAGOPAN: Given that 'Birdsong' is located in a residential area, how has it impacted on the residents?
ROUSTON: I must say, we have had a good relationship with the neighbours. They have been very cooperative and we thank them for that. We always make sure whenever we have any functions we invite them and we keep in touch with them. For instance, on a day especially like today, we have to inform them that we will be judged tonight and we may have to block of a certain part of the street, but without denying them access to their houses. We have had a good relationship over the years. We are hoping that some day we will be moving from there because the land that we are on is leased land. We are hoping by the next year or so we will be moving out of here, but not too far.
TRINBAGOPAN: Do you have any final words you would like to share?
ROUSTON: Yes...I would like to tell the public that we are very confident about the 2006 Panorama and that we hope to make the Finals. We are also very concerned about the youths out there and the crime situation. A young Pannist died some time ago at the Simple Sound Pan Theatre. We are hoping that our parents would really start to take charge. Some parents are allowing their sixteen and seventeen year olds to go to parties, and in my mind, that is a no-no, as far as I am concerned. Let the youths come to the Pan Yard and do something constructive. These parties they go to where they get on wild and drink alcohol will not be condoned by us. I hope we have a very safe and productive Carnival 2006.
TRINBAGOPAN: Thank you, sir.
Pictures of Birdsong in their Panyard:
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