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Eric Mc Allister & Seion Gomez of Merry Tones

Merry Tones
Merry Tones

Staff Article
Interview Recorded: February 12, 2006

Eric Mc Allister
Eric Mc Allister
We are at the Queens Park Savannah where the Panorama Semi-finals is taking place. Many of the bands are already here and anxiously awaiting their turn to perform on stage. We are interviewing some of the movers and shakers within these bands. We are here with Mr. Eric Mc Allister, former Captain and member of Merry Tones Steel Orchestra, and Seion Gomez, Arranger.

TRINBAGOPAN: Mr. Mc Allister, what is your tune of choice this year and who is the arranger?

ERIC: Our tune of choice is 'Colours Again' by Destra. The arranger is Seion Gomez. We are the defending Small Bands Champion. We won in 2004 and in 2005 and we intend to do them damage again in 2006.

TRINBAGOPAN: Who is the present Captain of the Band?

ERIC: That would be Robert Ryan.

TRINBAGOPAN: Can you give us a little history about the band?

ERIC: Merry Tones has a history of good reports for all the years in Panorama. I joined the band in 1974 and I am still here thirty-two years later. We have had fun along the way.

TRINBAGOPAN: Do you all have any plans after Panorama 2006?

ERIC: Well, we had the idea to experiment with a small band a few years ago. We developed what is known as Ice Water Pan Ensemble and it has been hugely successful. The plan this year again and which has been for the last two years, at the end of Panorama (victoriously we expect), Merry Tones will once again be dormant until 2007. Unless the youths in the band want to keep Merry Tones during the year, the older heads (the dinosaurs like myself) are quite happy to run with Ice Water Pan Ensemble for the rest of the year because it is easier to manage and hugely successful. Ice Water has been doing quite well.

TRINBAGOPAN: Do you have any final words before you go?

ERIC: Just look out for Merry Tones in the Finals and enjoy it. We intend to bring enjoyment to people as we always do.

TRINBAGOPAN: Thank you very much.

We are also here with Mr. Seion Gomez, Arranger for Merrytones.

Seion Gomez
Seion Gomez
TRINBAGOPAN: Mr. Gomez, how has this Panorama been for you?

SEION: It wasn't bad seeing that my time with the band wasn't that much. I attend school abroad so I spend a lot of time away from the band. I came home for Christmas and I worked with the band, then I left them to do what they had to do. I came back last week and we did what we had to do.

TRINBAGOPAN: How did you get into arranging for Pan?

SEION: I have always been into the Pan. My father plays with Phase II and I played in Phase II. I started working with a primary school years ago and it just developed from there.

TRINBAGOPAN: What future plans do you have?

SEION: Right now I am doing my Master's in music. My thing is to really promote the Pan as far as possible around the world, both for the young and the old.

TRINBAGOPAN: Do you have any final words?

SEION: I wish Merry Tones the best. The kids worked really hard and victory could be theirs.

TRINBAGOPAN: Thank you sir.

Merry Tones in Pictures

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